Symbolic links in windows package
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Symbolic links in windows package

Hi !

I was seeing the problem that using the '-g' option would cause the linker to fail because it can not find the libg.a library.

As the reason turned out that symbolic links are missing. This might be a problem of WinZIP which I used to unpack, put in general symbolic links are not supported under Windows. (There are "junktions" on NTFS, but that's only for directories, right ?)

What is the proposed solution for that ?

Shouldn't be copies of the affected files be included into the binary tar file for windows ? I imagine most people will run into this problem.

Best Regards,

Kai T. Schuetz                  Main:   +49-2407-9086 0
Software Design Engineer        Direct: +49-2407-9086 30
AXYS GmbH                       Fax:    +49-2407-9086 11
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52134 Herzogenrath, Germany     Email:  ks@xxxxxxx