Pb compiling u-boot
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Pb compiling u-boot

I'm currently trying to port linux on a versatile arm plateform. Since I
have encountered problems with u-boot(already installed)  on this board
I have decided to compile and use my own u-boot.
I have downloaded the archive from the net and uncompressed it...then I
have downloaded the toolchain provided on arm site in order to compile
it (http://www.arm.com/linux/linux_download.html)>
I have modified the Makefile of  U-boot in odrer for the compiler to
point on the bins of the toolchain >
Finally I have enterer make versatile_config (answer : Configuring for
versatile board...)
Then make all (answer : joint <<erreur>> )  :
make[1]: Entering directory
/home/dupas/linux/tool-chain/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -g  -Os
-fno-strict-aliasing  -fno-common -ffixed-r8 -mshort-load-bytes
-msoft-float -D__KERNEL__ -DTEXT_BASE=0x01000000
-I/home/dupas/linux/sources_u-boot/u-boot-1.1.2/include -fno-builtin
-ffreestanding -nostdinc -isystem
/include -pipe  -DCONFIG_ARM -D__ARM__ -mapcs-32 -march=armv4 -Wall
-Wstrict-prototypes -c -o stubs.o stubs.c
cc1: error: invalid option `short-load-bytes'
cc1: error: invalid option `apcs-32'
stubs.c:1: warning: target CPU does not support interworking
make[1]: *** [stubs.o] Erreur 1
make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [examples] Erreur 2

Is that because of the toolchain?what shall I do?
Thanks a lot
I'm looking forward to your answer.

+ thomas dupas

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