2006q1-3-arm-none-eabi can't compile multiple sources to a single object file ??
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2006q1-3-arm-none-eabi can't compile multiple sources to a single object file ??

With 2005q3-2-arm-none-eabi, compiling multiple sources in one
command was faster and gave better optimisation (smaller overall code
size) than compiling each source individually... but it doesn't seem
to be supported anymore in 2006q1-3-arm-none-eabi ?!?

# for src in a b c d; do echo "void $src (void) {}" > $src.c ; done
# arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -o out.o a.c b.c c.c d.c
arm-none-eabi-gcc: cannot specify -o with -c or -S with multiple

Removing the -o switch allows the compiler to run, but the combined
code size of the resulting object files is the same as compiling all
.c files individually (measured on real project - not the simple
example above ;-).

Is there a reason why this feature has been removed ??


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