GCC Bug: register corruption when optimizing
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GCC Bug: register corruption when optimizing


I have been evaluating the ARM 2006q3-26 for arm-linux release and I found what seems like a bug related to gcc.

While compiling Linux kernel 2.6.16, gcc corrupts registers after calling do_div64 function. This is a asm function that uses a very weird parameter passing and results returning (it returns a 64 bit value on r2, r3).

The problem is that when enabling optimizations gcc is ignoring the returned value is on r2, r3, and therefore corrupting them during the next function call:

ldr     r0, [pc, #64]   ; 58 <.text+0x58>
ldr     r4, [pc, #64]   ; 5c <.text+0x5c>
ldr     r1, [pc, #64]   ; 60 <.text+0x60>
bl      0 <__do_div64>
mov     r0, r1
mov     r1, #1000       ; 0x3e8
					 <-- r2, and r3 should be saved
bl      0 <__aeabi_uidiv>

Compiling the same code with a EABI toolchain from montavista (based on gcc 3.4.3), this one generates proper code:

ldmia   r0, {r0, r1}
ldr     r4, [pc, #72]   ; 68 <.text+0x68>
bl      0 <__do_div64>
mov     r0, r1
mov     r1, #1000       ; 0x3e8
mov     r5, r3
mov     r4, r2
bl      0 <__aeabi_uidivmod>

I take the code out of Linux kernel and create a test case for user space. I'm attaching it.

It's this a known bug? I'm missing something? I was wondering if someone successfully run kernel 2.6.16 or higher with this toolchain, since this bug can potentially brake many code paths.


Diego Dompe,
RidgeRun Engineering

Attachment: gccbug-test.tgz
Description: Binary data