Re: [arm-gnu] Link problem with new bare-metal EABI release
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Re: [arm-gnu] Link problem with new bare-metal EABI release

Freddie Chopin wrote:
So when I locate sections .bss and .stack with

   } > ram AT > ram

it also works. But this is rather a hack, not a clean solution...

This is a good workaround.

We recently corrected a linker defect in the handling of VMA and LMA offsets.

The following snippet of documentation explains what happens to those sections *after* an AT> section, which don't themselves define AT>
If neither AT nor AT> is specified for an allocatable section, the linker will set the LMA such that the difference between VMA and LMA for the section is the same as the preceding output section in the same region. If there is no preceding output section or the section is not allocatable, the linker will set the LMA equal to the VMA. See Output Section Region.

So, you must use "> ram AT > ram" to get VMA == LMA for the subsequent sections (or at least the next section).

Carlos O'Donell
(650) 331-3385 x716