Re: [arm-gnu] How to make gas accept Thumb2 insns on armv6-m ?
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Re: [arm-gnu] How to make gas accept Thumb2 insns on armv6-m ?

First of all, if you want to write Thumb-2, I believe you need
".syntax unified" to get consistent behavior.  That will fix the
"dest must overlap one source register" error for armv6t2.

Sorry for the dumb follow-up: could you tell me where I can find some doc on this unified syntax? I have grepped through your latest release doc directory, and could only find references to it (eg in getting-started).

In particular, just adding ".syntax unified" leads to other errors
toto.s:3: Error: cannot honor width suffix -- `mul r3,r0,r3'
toto.s:4: Error: cannot honor width suffix -- `mul ip,r2,r1'
