Re: [arm-gnu] Codesourcery Lite and Newlib
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Re: [arm-gnu] Codesourcery Lite and Newlib

Hi Freddie,

Thanks for your reply. Using my debugger I've confirmed that my
implementations of write and sbrk are never even called - so I can't
see them being broken having much of an effect on newlibs behaviour.

From what I've read I've gathered that newlib is bloated - however I'm
more interested in getting it working to ensure that my build system
is set up properly and that whatever is causing newlib to die won't
hurt me later on.

Do you know of a method to get the newlib debug symbols?


On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Freddie Chopin <freddie_chopin@xxxxx> wrote:
> James McGill pisze:
>> Can anyone suggest a possible cause for this OR a method of building
>> with newlib debugging symbols so that I can find out exactly when the
>> error is occurring?
> all printf()-type functions require a WORKING version of write() and
> sbrk() (sprintf and such do not need write(), probably iprintf doesn't
> need sbrk(), but just probably).
> all printf() internals use A LOT of stack - 1kB is a minimum. Stack
> corruption may lead to bus fault.
> probably printf() needs a device table with stdout - not sure whether
> this can be implemented fully in write().
> standard newlib's printf is usually too much of a bloat to be used for
> microcontrollers, but - it's possible, I've tried recently to find out
> why so many ppl have trouble with them. Stack...
> 4\/3!!