Re: [arm-gnu] Internal fault: [0x1ed8bf:400400]: rvct auto configure with codeSourcery arm-2009q3-68-arm-none-eabi package
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Re: [arm-gnu] Internal fault: [0x1ed8bf:400400]: rvct auto configure with codeSourcery arm-2009q3-68-arm-none-eabi package

mcinnis.yu wrote:

> I encountered a problem when I configured rvct to use the codesourcery
> library to compile my applications. However, it shows the following
> error with the command “armcc --arm_linux_configure
> --arm_linux_config_file=config.gnu --configure_gcc=arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe”

> Appreciate anyone can give a hint or resolution to me. Thank you.

Use Sourcery G++ instead. :-)

There's clearly a problem with RVCT there, as it appears to have
crashed.  I don't think we have enough information, though, to say
whether that's because there's something odd about our library.  It's
possible that ARM support will be able to analyze the problem for you
and determine that; if it is something odd about our library then we
would be interested in hearing about it, of course!


Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713