Re: [arm-gnu] Linux crash with 2007q3-51 4.2.1
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Re: [arm-gnu] Linux crash with 2007q3-51 4.2.1

naveen yadav wrote:

> I am using Sourcery G++ Lite 2007q3-51 4.2.1, and i got below crash.
> I check on mailing list at
> it also facing exact same issue, will you pls let me know what is issue ?

> Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000

That's a kernel crash, not a compiler crash.  It's possible, of course,
that a compiler defect has resulted in a miscompilation of the kernel --
but it's more likely that the kernel (or a driver) has a bug that's
causing the crash.  Unfortunately, there's no way for us to know; you
will have to debug the problem.  If you think it's a compiler bug,
you'll need to provide preprocessed source code for the piece of the
kernel that's been miscompiled, command-line options passed to the
compiler, and some evidence that it is indeed a compiler bug.

Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713