Re: [arm-gnu] Irregular segfault in application
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Re: [arm-gnu] Irregular segfault in application

On 21/05/10 10:41 AM, Juergen Schindele wrote:
Hello Developers,
we have a strange problem when booting the filesystem from a true-IDE Compact-Flash.
In one of three cases the concerned application crashes with segfault. We are able to
to call the application with prependend strace to see the passed syscall of the app.
We are clueless with this problem and hope to get some hints.

Here the details
we are using gcc with glibc from "codesourcery" in version
"gcc (CodeSourcery Sourcery G++ Lite 2007q1-10) 4.2.0 20070413 (prerelease)"
kernel-version is with EABI on a custom board with
CPU: XScale-PXA270 [69054117] revision 7 (ARMv5TE), cr=0000397f
the concerned application is "chat" (for talking to modems).
We are compiling with "-mlittle-endian -march=iwmmxt -mcpu=iwmmxt -msoft-float" options.
What i noticed when comparing the strace dump between good and bad case
is that one syscall in the bad case seems to have faulty parameters.

I'd like to have your advice on this behaviour / bug ???
As the syscalls are generate by glibc is there a problem ???

I would suggest:

(1) Make sure you are using the CodeSourcery C library on the target.
(2) Experiment with a newer version of the tools.

Carlos O'Donell
(650) 331-3385 x716