Re: [arm-gnu] ARM uClibc toolchain MMU support?
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Re: [arm-gnu] ARM uClibc toolchain MMU support?

On 02/07/11 03:40, Carlos O'Donell wrote:
> If you need a smaller installed footprint (the common use case for
> uClibc) on the target I suggest using Sourcery CodeBench for ARM
> GNU/Linux and using the "Library Reduction Utility" (mklibs) present in
> the commercial versions to reduce the install image size.

Can you explain what this utility does? We use the standard Sourcery
EABI Linux toolchain, already manually pull in just the libraries we
need, and strip the debugging details off them. Is there some other step
that is being performed by the reduction utility?

Is there any plans to have an MMU-enabled, Linux-capable, uClibc target
for CodeSourcery?


Bluewater Systems - An Aiotec Company

Andre Renaud        		
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