Re: [c++-pthreads] Re: [PATCH] thread cancellation via C++ exception
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Re: [c++-pthreads] Re: [PATCH] thread cancellation via C++ exception

Alexander Terekhov wrote:


Cancellation, as the word already suggests, is final. There mustn't be any catch without rethrow. The thread library does, and will probably even more so in future, alter the state of the library once a thread is canceled and this is not reversible.


This is utter crap. The only "state" affected by thread cancel request delivery is the cancellation state and mode. They must be set to PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE and PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED respectively. There's no rational reason whatsoever for thread cancel (and even exit) exceptions [std::thread_cancel_request and std::thread_exit_request; both "is a" std::thread_termination_request) to NOT be finalizable by some
user's catch()-without-rethrow.
This is a philosophical issue, not technical.

Yes, Alexander, there's no reason a cancel exception cannot be finalized, once it's been made an exception. In fact, once you've made it a standard system exception, you'll need to add special case code (probably in several places) to prevent it from being finalized using normal exception mechanisms like 'catch(...)'. On the other hand, it should be a fairly strong policy that only in rare cases SHOULD you finalize a cancel. You'd need to KNOW, absolutely, that this particular cancellation intended to cancel a "subsystem" rather than "the thread".

On the other hand, "POSIX cancel" cannot be finalized -- POSIX provides no mechanism. POSIX does not require that it be an exception (though it is suggested and implied as strongly as we possibly could without adding exceptions to the C language), even for a platform that already has exceptions. (Though it's foolish to implement cancellation using anything other than true exceptions, and even more so if you've already got real exceptions; but that of course remains a personal opinion. ;-) )

So it's not so much "utter crap" as merely a bizarre opinion with which you (and I) happen to disagree. ;-)

/--------------------[ David.Butenhof@xxxxxx ]--------------------\
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