Re: [c++-pthreads] Re: pthread_cancel and EH: let's try this again
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Re: [c++-pthreads] Re: pthread_cancel and EH: let's try this again

Peter Dimov wrote:

It's certainly questionable whether a cleanup handler (TSD
destructor) that explicitly enables cancellation and calls a
cancellation point should re-cancel itself... and if it does, whether
it should re-invoke itself, so it might be argued that this
clarification introduced a new problem instead of fixing the old.

Scratch that, if this:

"The cancelability state shall remain set to PTHREAD_CANCEL_DISABLE until the thread has terminated. The behavior is undefined if a cancellation cleanup handler or thread-specific data destructor routine changes the cancelability state to PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE."

made it into the TC, it specifically prohibits the scenario I described. It also appears to prohibit enabling cancellation after catch(pthread_cancel_e) without rethrow, effectively disallowing catch without rethrow ("shall remain set to...").

int pthread_cancelenabled(void);


Nonzero if the current thread's cancelability state is PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE and the call is not made from within a cleanup handler or a TSD destructor, zero otherwise.

could have been much simpler.