Re: Covariant returns
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Re: Covariant returns

>>>>> "Jason" == Jason Merrill <jason@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    >> There also need to be vcall offsets for all of the covariant
    >> returns.

    Jason> Why would we need anything that we wouldn't already need
    Jason> for functions without covariant returns?

I didn't mean to imply that -- just that we would have to treat
covariant returns just like ordinary functions.  The present language
didn't make that clear.

In other words, when we read the document we are meant to think of the
various covariant returns as different functions -- but that's not the
way an ordinary human would likely read it.  An ordinary human would
think that the overriding function is just one function, not N where N
is the number of covariant returns. :-)

Mark Mitchell                   mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CodeSourcery, LLC