C++ ABI: Summary and Issues List
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C++ ABI: Summary and Issues List

Attached is an updated summary and open issues document.
The former includes the meeting info -- I'll see you there.

I have requested the C++ reflector's messages related to
Jason's action item, and will close it if the issue is
-	    Jim Dehnert		dehnert@xxxxxxx

<title>C++ ABI Summary</title>

<link rel=stylesheet href=small-table.css type="text/css">


<font size=6><i><b>
C++ ABI Summary

<i>Revised 16 June 1999</i>




See also the full
<a href=cxx-open.html>Open Issues List</a>.



<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<tr class=small>
<th colspan=2> When </th>
<th> Where </th>
<th> Phone </th>

<tr class=small>
<td> 3 June </td> <td> 11:00-13:00 </td>
<td align=left colspan=2> completed </td>
<tr class=small>
<td> 10 June </td> <td> 10:00-12:00 </td>
<td align=left colspan=2> completed </td>

<tr class=small>
<td> 17 June </td>
<td> 10:00-12:00 PDT </td>
<td> SGI Garnet 20L </td>
<td> 650-933-7976 </td>

<tr class=small>
<td> 24 June </td>
<td> 10:00-12:00 PDT </td>
<td> SGI Sapphire 20L </td>
<td> 650-933-7976 </td>

<tr class=small>
<td> 1 July </td>
<td> 10:00-12:00 PDT </td>
<td> SGI Sapphire 20L </td>
<td> 650-933-7976 </td>

<tr class=small>
<td> 8 July </td>
<td> 10:00-12:00 PDT </td>
<td> SGI Sapphire 20L </td>
<td> 650-933-7976 </td>

<tr class=small>
<td> 15 July </td>
<td> 10:00-12:00 PDT </td>
<td> SGI Sapphire 20L </td>
<td> 650-933-7976 </td>

<tr class=small>
<td> 22 July </td>
<td> 10:00-12:00 PDT </td>
<td> SGI Sapphire 20L </td>
<td> 650-933-7976 </td>

<tr class=small>
<td> 29 July </td>
<td> 10:00-12:00 PDT </td>
<td> SGI Sapphire 20L </td>
<td> 650-933-7976 </td>

<tr class=small>
<td> 5 August </td>
<td> 10:00-12:00 PDT </td>
<td> SGI Sapphire 20L </td>
<td> 650-933-7976 </td>

<tr class=small>
<td> 12 August </td>
<td> 10:00-12:00 PDT </td>
<td> SGI Sapphire 20L </td>
<td> 650-933-7976 </td>

<tr class=small>
<td> 19 August </td>
<td> 10:00-12:00 PDT </td>
<td> SGI Sapphire 20L </td>
<td> 650-933-7976 </td>


Note:  When calling the SGI telephone bridges (starting 17 June),
the first caller continues to ring until the second party joins.
To get rid of it, you can call from a second phone,
and I believe you can hang it up right away.



<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<tr class=small>
<th> Company </th>
<th> Name </th>
<th> Telephone </th>
<th> Fax </th>
<th> Email </th>

<tr class=tiny>
<th rowspan=1> </th>
<td colspan=3> overall reflector </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:cxx-abi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>cxx-abi@xxxxxxxxxxxx</a> </td>

<tr class=tiny>
<th rowspan=6> SGI </th>
<td> Jim Dehnert </td>
<td> (650) 933-4272 </td>
<td> (650) 932-4272 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:dehnert@xxxxxxx> dehnert@xxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td> Matt Austern </td>
<td> (650) 933-4196 </td>
<td> (650) 932-4196 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:austern@xxxxxxxxxxxx> austern@xxxxxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td> Hans Boehm </td>
<td> (650) 933-7144 </td>
<td> (650) 932-7144 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:boehm@xxxxxxxxxxxx> boehm@xxxxxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td> Shin-Ming Liu </td>
<td> (650) 933-4287 </td>
<td> (650) 932-4287 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:shin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> shin@xxxxxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td> John Wilkinson </td>
<td> (650) 933-4298 </td>
<td> (650) 932-4298 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxx> jfw@xxxxxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td colspan=3> reflector </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:cxx-abi-sgi@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
cxx-abi-sgi@xxxxxxxxxxxx </a></td>

<tr class=tiny>
<th rowspan=4> Cygnus </th>
<td> Jason Merrill </td>
<td> (408) 542-9665 </td>
<td> (408) 542-9765 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:jason@xxxxxxxxxx> jason@xxxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td> Ian Carmichael </td>
<td> (416) 482-3946 </td>
<td> (416) 482-6299 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:iancarm@xxxxxxxxxx> iancarm@xxxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td> Ulrich Drepper </td>
<td> (408) 765-4699 </td>
<td> ? </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:drepper@xxxxxxxxxx> drepper@xxxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td colspan=3> reflector </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:c++abi@xxxxxxxxxx> c++abi@xxxxxxxxxx </a></td>

<tr class=tiny>
<th rowspan=1> EDG </th>
<td> Daveed Vandevoorde </td>
<td> ? </td>
<td> ? </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:daveed@xxxxxxx> daveed@xxxxxxx </a></td>

<tr class=tiny>
<th rowspan=1> EPC </th>
<td> Colin McPhail </td>
<td> +44 (131) 225-6644 </td>
<td> ? </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:colin@xxxxxxxxx> colin@xxxxxxxxx </a></td>

<tr class=tiny>
<th rowspan=4> Hewlett- Packard </th>
<td> Cary Coutant </td>
<td> (408) 447-5759 </td>
<td> ? </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:cary@xxxxxxxxxx> cary@xxxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td> Christophe de Dinechin </td>
<td> (408) 447-5491 </td>
<td> ? </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:ddd@xxxxxxxxxx> ddd@xxxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td> Sassan Hazeghi </td>
<td> (408) 447-5007 </td>
<td> ? </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:sassan@xxxxxxxxxx> sassan@xxxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td colspan=3> reflector </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:cxx-abi-hp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
cxx-abi-hp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx </a></td>

<tr class=tiny>
<th rowspan=3> IBM </th>
<td> Mark Mendell </td>
<td> (416) 448-3485 </td>
<td> (416) 448-4414 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:mendell@xxxxxxxxxx> mendell@xxxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td> Allan H. Kielstra </td>
<td> (416) 448-3558 </td>
<td> (416) 448-4414 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:kielstra@xxxxxxxxxx> kielstra@xxxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td colspan=3> reflector </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:CxxABI-ADTC-CAN@xxxxxxxxxx>
CxxABI-ADTC-CAN@xxxxxxxxxx </a></td>

<tr class=tiny>
<th rowspan=4> Intel </th>
<td> Sunil Saxena </td>
<td> (408) 765-5272 </td>
<td> (408) 653-8511 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:Sunil.Saxena@xxxxxxxxx> Sunil.Saxena@xxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td> Suresh Rao </td>
<td> (408) 765-5416 </td>
<td> (408) 765-5165 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:Suresh.K.Rao@xxxxxxxxx>
Suresh.K.Rao@xxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td> Priti Shrivastav </td>
<td> (408) 765-4699 </td>
<td> (408) 765-5165 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:Priti.Shrivastav@xxxxxxxxx>
Priti.Shrivastav@xxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td colspan=3> reflector </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:cxx-abi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
cxx-abi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx </a></td>

<tr class=tiny>
<th rowspan=1> SCO </th>
<td> Jonathan Schilling </td>
<td> (908) 790-2364 </td>
<td> (908) 790-2426 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:jls@xxxxxxx> jls@xxxxxxx </a></td>

<tr class=tiny>
<th rowspan=4> Sun </th>
<td> George Vasick </td>
<td> (650) 786-5123 </td>
<td> (650) 786-9551 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:george.vasick@xxxxxxxxxxx>
george.vasick@xxxxxxxxxxx <a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td> Michael Lam </td>
<td> (650) 786-3492 </td>
<td> (650) 786-9551 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:michael.lam@xxxxxxxxxxx> michael.lam@xxxxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td> Michael Ball </td>
<td> (650) 786-9109 </td>
<td> (650) 786-9551 </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:michael.ball@xxxxxxxxxxx> michael.ball@xxxxxxxxxxx </a></td>
<tr class=tiny>
<td> Reza Monajjemi </td>
<td> (650) 786-6175 </td>
<td> ? </td>
<td> <a href=mailto:reza.monajjemi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
     reza.monajjemi@xxxxxxxxxxx </a></td>



<h4> Objectives </h4>

Interoperable C++ compilation on IA-64:
we want users to be able to build relocatable objects with
different compilers and link them together,
and if possible even to ship common DSOs.
This objective implies agreement on:
    <li> Data representation
    <li> Object file representation
    <li> Library API

ISO Standard C++:
highest priority is functionality and performance of standard-compliant code.
It should not be sacrificed for the benefit of language extensions or
legacy implementations (though considering them as tie-breakers is fine).

Some areas will be easier to agree on than others.
Our priorities should be based on achieving as much
interoperability as possible if we can't attain perfection.
That is, it is better to end up with a few restrictions being required
for interoperable code, than to have no interoperability at all.
This suggests priorities as follows:
    <li> Items requiring base ABI changes that might affect other
	languages, and will therefore become impossible soon.
	Examples include exception handling / stack unwind,
	or ELF changes (not extensions).
    <li> Core features where differences will prevent virtually any
	C++ object code from porting.
	Examples include data layout and calling conventions.
    <li> Limited usage features,
	where users can achieve portability by avoiding the feature.
	An example might be multi-threading.
    <li> Peripheral features,
	where the requirements on users to achieve
	portability are clear and easy to implement.
	An example is non-explicit inlining,
	where compilers would presumably allow it to just be suppressed.
    <li> Tool interfaces, which affect how users build code,
	rather than what they build.
	An example is the compilation command line.

Mechanisms/methods which allow coexistence of incompatible
implementations may be suitable in some cases.
For instance, packaging vendor-specific compiler support runtimes
in DSOs occupying distinct namespaces might allow multiple such DSOs to
be loaded for mixed objects and avoid requiring that all vendors have
the same support runtimes.



<h4> Action Item Status </h4>

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<tr class=small>
<th> # </th>
<th> Action </th>
<th> Who </th>
<th> Status </th>
<th> Opened </th>
<th> Closed </th>

<tr class=small> <td> 1 </td>
<td> Distribute Sun C++ ABI </td>
<td> Mike Ball </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> 2 </td>
<td> Distribute Sun C++ ABI Rationale </td>
<td> Mike Ball </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> 3 </td>
<td> Distribute Taligent C++ ABI </td>
<td> Cary Coutant </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> 4 </td>
<td> Expedite IA-64 RT Arch doc release </td>
<td> Cary Coutant </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> 5 </td>
<td> Set up n-way NDA for eligible members </td>
<td> Priti Shrivastav </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> 6 </td>
<td> Organize/summarize object layout issues and alternatives </td>
<td> Matt Austern </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> 7 </td>
<td> Write-up of Vtable issues </td>
<td> Christophe de Dinechin </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> 990610 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> 8 </td>
<td> Write-up of object layout strawman </td>
<td> Matt Austern </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> 990610 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> 9 </td>
<td> Check with c++-core about empty base placement </td>
<td> Jason Merrill </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> 990610 </td>
<td> </td>



<h4> Issue Status </h4>

In the following table,
the <b><i>class</i></b> column attempts to classify the issue on the
basis of what it likely affects.
The identifiers used are:

<tr class=small> <td> call </td>
<td> Function call interface, i.e. call linkage </td>

<tr class=small> <td> data </td>
<td> Data layout </td>

<tr class=small> <td> lib </td>
<td> Runtime library support </td>

<tr class=small> <td> lif </td>
<td> Library interface, i.e. API </td>

<tr class=small> <td> g </td>
<td> Potential gABI impact </td>

<tr class=small> <td> ps </td>
<td> Potential psABI impact </td>

<tr class=small> <td> source </td>
<td> Source code conventions (i.e. API, not ABI) </td>

<tr class=small> <td> tools </td>
<td> May affect how program construction tools interact </td>

<hr width=50%>

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<tr class=small>
<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th>
<th> Class </th>
<th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th>
<th> Opened </th>
<th> Closed </th>

<tr class=small> </tr>
<tr class=small> <th> A </th>
<th colspan=6> <a href=issues-C++-layout.html> Object Layout </a> </th>

<tr class=small> <td> A-1 </td>
<td> Virtual function table </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> A-2 </td>
<td> Virtual base classes </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> A-3 </td>
<td> Multiple inheritance </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> A-4 </td>
<td> Empty base classes </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> A-5 </td>
<td> Empty parameters </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> A-6 </td>
<td> RTTI (<code>type_info</code>) .o representation </td>
<td> data call ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> A-7 </td>
<td> Vptr sharing with primary base class </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> A-8 </td>
<td> (Virtual) base class alignment </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> A-9 </td>
<td> Sorting fields as allowed by [class.mem]/12 </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> A-10 </td>
<td> Class parameters in registers </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> A-11 </td>
<td> Representation of pointers to members </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> Sun </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> A-12 </td>
<td> Merging secondary vtables </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990610 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> A-13 </td>
<td> Parameter struct field promotion </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> </tr>
<tr class=small> <th> B </th>
<th colspan=6> <a href=issues-C++-layout.html#vfunc>
Virtual Function Handling </a> </th>

<tr class=small> <td> B-1 </td>
<td> Adjustment of "this" pointer (e.g. thunks) </td>
<td> data call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> B-2 </td>
<td> Covariant return types </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> B-3 </td>
<td> Allowed caching of vtable contents </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> B-4 </td>
<td> Function descriptors in vtable </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> B-5 </td>
<td> Where are vtables emitted? </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> </tr>
<tr class=small> <th> C </th>
<th colspan=6> Object Construction/Destruction </th>

<tr class=small> <td> C-1 </td>
<td> Interaction with .init/.fini </td>
<td> lif ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> C-2 </td>
<td> Order of ctors/dtors w.r.t. link </td>
<td> lif ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> C-3 </td>
<td> Order of ctors/dtors w.r.t. DSOs </td>
<td> ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> C-4 </td>
<td> Calling vfuncs in ctors/dtors </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> Sun </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> C-5 </td>
<td> Calling virtual destructors </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> Sun </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> C-6 </td>
<td> Extra parameters to ctors/dtors </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> Cygnus </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> </tr>
<tr class=small> <th> D </th>
<th colspan=6> Exception Handling </th>

<tr class=small> <td> D-1 </td>
<td> Language-specific data area format </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> D-2 </td>
<td> Unwind personality routines </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> D-3 </td>
<td> Unwind process clarification </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> D-4 </td>
<td> Unwind routines nested? </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> D-5 </td>
<td> Interaction with other languages (e.g. Java) </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> D-6 </td>
<td> Allow resumption in other languages? </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> D-7 </td>
<td> Interaction with signals or asynch events </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> D-8 </td>
<td> Interaction with threads packages </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> </tr>
<tr class=small> <th> E </th>
<th colspan=6> Template Instantiation Model </th>

<tr class=small> <td> E-1 </td>
<td> When does instantiation occur? </td>
<td> tools </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> E-2 </td>
<td> Separate compilation model </td>
<td> tools </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> E-3 </td>
<td> Template repository </td>
<td> tools </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> </tr>
<tr class=small> <th> F </th>
<th colspan=6> Name Mangling </th>

<tr class=small> <td> F-1 </td>
<td> Mangling convention </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> F-2 </td>
<td> Mangled name size </td>
<td> call g </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> F-3 </td>
<td> Distinguish template instantiation and specialization
<td> call g </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> </tr>
<tr class=small> <th> G </th>
<th colspan=6> Miscellaneous </th>

<tr class=small> <td> G-1 </td>
<td> Basic command line options </td>
<td> tools </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> G-2 </td>
<td> Detection of 1-def rule violations </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> Sun </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> G-3 </td>
<td> Inlined routine linkage </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> Sun </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> G-4 </td>
<td> Dynamic init of local static objects and multithreading </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SCO </td>
<td> 990607 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> </tr>
<tr class=small> <th> H </th>
<th colspan=6> Runtime Library Interface </th>

<tr class=small> <td> H-1 </td>
<td> Runtime library DSO name </td>
<td> tools </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990616 </td>
<td> </td>

<tr class=small> <td> H-1 </td>
<td> Runtime library API </td>
<td> lif </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990616 </td>
<td> </td>



<h4>Notes from 3 June 1999 </h4>

<li> Introductions

<li> Objectives: see above

<li> Procedure

  <li> Meetings:  10-12 Thursdays at SGI for the near term.
  <li> Intel NDA:  Generally unnecessary.  Priti will set up n-way
       for eligible members for cases where needed.  Cary expects RT
       architecture/software conventions document to be released in the
       next month or two, removing most of the issues.
  <li> Communication:  Use of reflector encouraged for discussion.
       NDA communication will be handled with password-protected PDF
       once Intel sets up n-way.
  <li> Available documents:  Parties with existing, relevant documents
       (includes Sun, HP) will send them to group.
  <li> Intellectual property:  Participants don't expect problems with
       release of any of their IP.  Microsoft has extensive patents in
       the area, but they are excessively broad (covering obvious ideas
       and prior art), so expectation is that they are not a problem.
       Nonetheless, we should be aware of them.

<li> Issue Identification:  new issues reflected in status table.


<h4>Notes from 10 June 1999 </h4>

Matt Austern presented an initial assessment of the object layout issues.
He categorized them as trivial
(requiring agreement, but without significant performance implications)
or significant.  The trivial issues are:

<li> (A-1) Where is the Vptr stored in an object?
Given the absence of addressing modes with displacements on IA-64,
the consensus is at the beginning of the object.

<li> (A-9) What is the order of members in an object?
Discussion of the possibilities for reordering between access
specifications suggests that we might find significance here.

<li> (A-4) Empty base class optimization:
when can an empty base class be stored at the same offset as another member?

<li> (A-1) What is the order of the Vtable?

<li> (B-5) What is the external name of a global Vtable?

<li> (B-5) Where is a global Vtable emitted?


The significant issues are:

<li> (A-3) How are virtual functions handled given multiple inheritance?
That is, where is the "this" pointer adjusted?

<li> (A-2) How are virtual functions handled given virtual base types?

<li> (B-2) How are virtual functions with covariant return types handled?
That is, where is the result pointer adjusted?

<li> (A-6) How does RTTI interact with exceptions?



Please send corrections to <a href=mailto:dehnert@xxxxxxx>Jim Dehnert</a>.


<title>C++ ABI Open Issues</title>

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<font size=6><i><b>
C++ ABI Open Issues

<font size=-1>
<i>Revised 16 June 1999</i>




<p> <hr> <p>
<h3> Revisions </h3>

[990616]  Added HP summaries.
Added sketchy notes from 990610 discussions (A and B issues).
A-10 was intended by HP as something different than I described,
so it was renamed, and a new issue A-13 opened as an SGI issue.
HP did not submit A-12, so relabeled as Sun's (is that right?).
Added library interface issues, H-1 and H-2.

<p> <hr> <p>
<h3> Issue Status </h3>

In the following sections,
the <b><i>class</i></b> of an issue attempts to classify it on the
basis of what it likely affects.
The identifiers used are:

<tr> <td> call </td>
<td> Function call interface, i.e. call linkage </td>

<tr> <td> data </td>
<td> Data layout </td>

<tr> <td> lib </td>
<td> Runtime library support </td>

<tr> <td> lif </td>
<td> Library interface, i.e. API </td>

<tr> <td> g </td>
<td> Potential gABI impact </td>

<tr> <td> ps </td>
<td> Potential psABI impact </td>

<tr> <td> source </td>
<td> Source code conventions (i.e. API, not ABI) </td>

<tr> <td> tools </td>
<td> May affect how program construction tools interact </td>

<p> <hr> <p>
<h3> Object Layout Issues </h3>

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> A-1 </td>
<td> Virtual function table </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
Where is the Vptr stored in an object (first or last are the usual answers).
What is the layout of the Vtable?
</td> </tr>


[990610 All]
Given the absence of addressing modes with displacements on IA-64,
the consensus is to answer the first part of this question with "first."

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> A-2 </td>
<td> Virtual base classes </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


[990610 Matt]
With regard to how data member accesses are handled,
the choices are to store either a pointer or an offset in the Vtable.
The concensus seems to be to prefer an offset.

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> A-3 </td>
<td> Multiple inheritance </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> A-4 </td>
<td> Empty base classes </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> A-5 </td>
<td> Empty parameters </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> A-6 </td>
<td> RTTI (<code>type_info</code>) .o representation </td>
<td> data call ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> A-7 </td>
<td> Vptr sharing with primary base class </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
It is in general possible to share the virtual pointer with a base
class (the "primary" base class).
Which base class do we use for this?
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> A-8 </td>
<td> (Virtual) base class alignment </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
A (virtual) base class may have a larger alignment constraint than a
derived class.
Do we agree to extend the alignment constraint to the derived class?
(An alternative for virtual bases:
allow the virtual base to move in the complete object.)
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> A-9 </td>
<td> Sorting fields as allowed by [class.mem]/12 </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
The standard constrains ordering of class members in memory only if
they are not separated by an access clause.
Do we use an access clause as an opportunity to fill the gaps left by padding?
</td> </tr>


[990610 all]
Some participants want to avoid attempts to reorder members differently
than the underlying C struct ABI rules.
Others think there may be benefit in reordering later access sections
to fill holes in earlier ones, or even in base classes.

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> A-10 </td>
<td> Class parameters in registers </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
The C ABI specifies that small structs are passed in registers.
Does this apply to small non-POD C++ objects passed by value?
What about the copy constructor and <code>this</code> pointer in that case?
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> A-11 </td>
<td> Representation of pointers to members </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> Sun </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> A-12 </td>
<td> Merging secondary vtables </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> Sun </td>
<td> 990610 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> A-13 </td>
<td> Parameter struct field promotion </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
It is possible to pass small classes either as memory images,
as is specified by the base ABI for C structs,
or as a sequence of parameters, one for each member.
Which should be done, and if the latter,
what are the rules for identifying "small" classes?
</td> </tr>


<p> <hr> <p>
<h3> Virtual Function Handling Issues </h3>

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> B-1 </td>
<td> Adjustment of "this" pointer (e.g. thunks) </td>
<td> data call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
There are several methods for adjusting the this pointer
for a member function call,
including thunks or offsets located in the vtable.
We need to agree on the mechanism used,
and on the location of offsets, if any are needed.
To maximize performance on IA64,
a slightly unusual approach such as using secondary entry points
to perform the adjustment may actually prove interesting. 
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> B-2 </td>
<td> Covariant return types </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
There are several methods for adjusting the 'this' pointer of the
returned value for member functions with covariant return types.
We need to decide how this is done.
Return thunks might be especially costly on IA64,
so a solution based on returning multiple pointers may prove more interesting.
</td> </tr>


[990610 Matt]
One possibility is to have two Vtable entries,
which might point to different functions, different entrypoints,
or a real entrypoint and a thunk.
Another is to return two result pointers (base/derived),
and have the caller select the right one.

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> B-3 </td>
<td> Allowed caching of vtable contents </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
The contents of the vtable can sometimes be modified,
but the concensus is that it is nonetheless always allowed to "cache" elements,
i.e. to retain them in registers and reuse them,
whenever it is really useful.
However, this may sometimes break "beyond the standard" code,
such as code loading a shared library that replaces a virtual function.
Can we all agree when caching is allowed? 
</td> </tr>


[990604 HP Christophe]
Mike (Ball) gave me what I believe is an excellent definition of  
when caching is allowed.  I'd like him to present it.

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> B-4 </td>
<td> Function descriptors in vtable </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
For a runtime architecture where the caller is expected to load the GP
of the callee (if it is in, or may be in, a different DSO), e.g. HP/UX,
what should vtable entries contain?
One possibility is to put a function address/GP pair in the vtable.
Another is to include only the address of a thunk which loads the GP
before doing the actual call.

</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> B-5 </td>
<td> Where are vtables emitted? </td>
<td> data </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<p> <hr> <p>
<h3> Object Construction/Destruction Issues </h3>

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> C-1 </td>
<td> Interaction with .init/.fini </td>
<td> lif ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
Static objects with dynamic constructors must be constructed at
intialization time.
This is done via the executable object initialization functions that
are identified (in ELF) by the DT_INIT and DT_INITARRAY dynamic tags.
How should the compiler identify the constructors to be called in this way?
One traditional mechanism is to put calls in a .init section.
Another, used by HP, is to put function addresses in a .initarray section.
The dual question arises for static object destructors.
Again, the extant mechanisms include putting calls in a .fini section,
or putting function addresses in a .finiarray section.
Finally, which mechanism (DT_INIT or DT_INITARRAY, or the FINI versions)
should be used in linked objects?
The gABI, and the IA-64 psABI, will support both,
with DT_INIT being executed before the DT_INITARRAY elements.
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> C-2 </td>
<td> Order of ctors/dtors w.r.t. link </td>
<td> lif ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
Given that the compiler has identified constructor/destructor calls for
static objects in each relocatable object, in what order should the
static linker combine them in the linked executable object?
(The initialization order determines the finalization order,
as its opposite.)
</td> </tr>


[990610 All]
Meeting concensus is that the desirable order is right to left on the
link command line, i.e. last listed relocatable object is initialized

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> C-3 </td>
<td> Order of ctors/dtors w.r.t. DSOs </td>
<td> ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
Given the constructor/destructor calls for each executable object
comprising a program, what is the order of execution between objects?
For constructors, there is not much question:
unless we choose some explicit means of control,
file-scope objects will be initialized by the DT_INIT/DT_INITARRAY
functions in the order determined by the base ABI order rules,
and local objects will be initialized in the order their containing
scopes are entered.
For destructors, the Standard requires opposite-order destruction,
which implies a runtime structure to keep track of the order.
Furthermore, the potential for dynamic unloading of a DSO
(e.g. by dlclose)
requires a mechanism for early destruction of a subset.
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> C-4 </td>
<td> Calling vfuncs in ctors/dtors </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> Sun </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
[Michael Lam]
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> C-5 </td>
<td> Calling virtual destructors </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> Sun </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
[Michael Lam]
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> C-6 </td>
<td> Extra parameters to ctors/dtors </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> Cygnus </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
[Michael Lam]
</td> </tr>


<p> <hr> <p>
<h3> Exception Handling Issues </h3>

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> D-1 </td>
<td> Language-specific data area format </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> D-2 </td>
<td> Unwind personality routines </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> D-3 </td>
<td> Unwind process clarification </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> D-4 </td>
<td> Unwind routines nested? </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> D-5 </td>
<td> Interaction with other languages (e.g. Java) </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
The IA64 exceptions handling framework is largely language independent.
What is the behaviour of a C++ runtime receiving, for instance,
an exception thrown from Java?
Does it call terminate()?
Does it allow the exception to pass through C++ code with destructors
if there is no catch clause?
Does it allow the exception to be caught in a catch(...) provided this
catch(...) ends with a rethrow?
Does it allow even more?
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> D-6 </td>
<td> Allow resumption in other languages? </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
The exception handling framework requires the interaction of the
runtime of all the languages "on the stack" during exception processing.
Some of these languages may have very different exception handling semantics.
What are the constraints we impose on the C++ exception handling runtime
to preserve the relative language neutrality of the EH framework?
Example: do we allow a handler to cleanup and resume at the point
where the exception was thrown?
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> D-7 </td>
<td> Interaction with signals or asynch events </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
The Standard says that the behavior of anything other than
"pure C code" (POF) is implementation defined,
and warns (in a note) against using EH in a signal handler.
We should define what is supported,
possibly explicitly stating that signal handler code must be a POF.
We could allow any feature but exception handling to be used.
We could allow some EH routines to be called
(for instance, <code>uncaught_exception()</code>).
Or we could allow even an exception to be thrown,
if it does not exit the handler.
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> D-8 </td>
<td> Interaction with threads packages </td>
<td> lib ps </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<p> <hr> <p>
<h3> Template Instantiation Model Issues </h3>

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> </tr>
<tr> <th> E </th>
<th colspan=6> Template Instantiation Model </th>

<tr> <td> E-1 </td>
<td> When does instantiation occur? </td>
<td> tools </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> E-2 </td>
<td> Separate compilation model </td>
<td> tools </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> E-3 </td>
<td> Template repository </td>
<td> tools </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
Independent of the template instantiation model,
we need to make sure that whatever template persistent storage is used
by one vendor does not interact negatively with other vendors' mechanisms.
  (1) Avoiding conflict on the name of any repository.
  (2) If .o files are used,
	describe how this information is to be preserved, ignored, etc.
  (3) Evaluate if tools such as make, ld, ar, or others, can
	break because .o files get written at unexpected times.
</td> </tr>


<p> <hr> <p>
<h3> Name Mangling Issues </h3>

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> F-1 </td>
<td> Mangling convention </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
What rules shall be used for mangling names,
i.e. for encoding the information other than the source-level object
name necessary to resolve overloading?
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> F-2 </td>
<td> Mangled name size </td>
<td> call g </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
Typical name mangling schemes to date typically begin to produce very
long names.  SGI routinely encounters multi-kilobyte names,
and increasing usage of namespaces and templates will make them worse.
This has a negative impact on object file size, and on linker speed.
SGI has considered solutions to this problem including modified string
tables and/or symbol tables to eliminate redundancy.
Cygnus, HP, and Sun have also considered or implemented approaches
which at least mitigate it.
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> F-3 </td>
<td> Distinguish template instantiation and specialization
<td> call g </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990520 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<p> <hr> <p>
<h3> Miscellaneous Issues </h3>

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> G-1 </td>
<td> Basic command line options </td>
<td> tools </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> HP </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
Can we agree on basic command line options (compiler and linker)
for fundamental functionality,
possibly allowing portable makefiles?
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> G-2 </td>
<td> Detection of ODR violations </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> Sun </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
(See also F-3.)
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> G-3 </td>
<td> Inlined routine linkage </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> Sun </td>
<td> 990603 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> G-4 </td>
<td> Dynamic init of local static objects and multithreading </td>
<td> call </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SCO </td>
<td> 990607 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
The Standard requires that local static objects with dynamic
constructors be initialized exactly once, the first time the containing
scope is entered.
Multi-threading renders the simple check of a flag before
initialization inadequate to prevent multiple initialization.
Should the ABI require locking for this purpose,
and if so, what are the necessary interfaces?
In addition to the locking of the initialization,
special exception handling treatment is required to deal with an
exception during construction.
</td> </tr>


<p> <hr> <p>
<h3> Library Interface Issues </h3>

<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> H-1 </td>
<td> Runtime library DSO name </td>
<td> tools </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990616 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
Determine the name of the common C++ runtime library DSO,
e.g. <code>libC.so</code>.
If there are to be vendor-specific support libraries which must coexist
in programs from mixed sources, identify naming convention for them.
</td> </tr>


<table border=on cellpadding=3>

<th> # </th>
<th> Issue </th> <th> Class </th> <th> Status </th>
<th> Source </th> <th> Opened </th> <th> Closed </th>

<tr> <td> H-2 </td>
<td> Runtime library API </td>
<td> lif </td>
<td> open </td>
<td> SGI </td>
<td> 990616 </td>
<td> </td>
<tr> <td colspan=7>
Define the required entrypoints in the common C++ runtime library DSO,
and their prototypes.
</td> </tr>



Please send corrections to <a href=mailto:dehnert@xxxxxxx>Jim Dehnert</a>.

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