Re: Fw: [cxx-abi-dev] Decimal Floating Point mangling was(Fw: [cxx-abi-dev] C++0x: Mangling of rvalue reference type)s
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Re: Fw: [cxx-abi-dev] Decimal Floating Point mangling was(Fw: [cxx-abi-dev] C++0x: Mangling of rvalue reference type)s

>From: Sean Perry <perry@xxxxxxxxxx>
>I think we need both mangling.  We need the native type for the C
>compatibility reasons Michael mentioned.

Having both just causes conflicts.
Unless there is a different source for each??

You mention below, C for complex.  Would the difference be:
  float complex  (possibly in an extern "C" block?)

And something similar for Decimal FP??

>The native type will be independent from the C++ class type.

Would we really want that?  I thought you can only do that if they
are exactly the same??

>We should define a mangling for the C++ class types too.  This is similar
>to the complex types.  The ABI has Cx for the C type and mangled forms
>beginning with St for the std::complex<> classes.
Sean Perry

Did anyone ever implement the C prefix type?
This would indicate that Df Dd De would make sense.

Or you could have special Sf, Sd, Se abbreviations for the Decimal FP
template class types.