Re: [cxx-abi-dev] Proposed ABI changes for new C++0x SFINAE rules
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Re: [cxx-abi-dev] Proposed ABI changes for new C++0x SFINAE rules

Oops, I attached the wrong file in my previous e-mail.  Should be fixed now.


Attachment: SFINAE_diffs-3
Description: Binary data

On Aug 11, 2010, at 1:54 PM, David Vandevoorde wrote:

> Attached are updated diffs for the ABI spec.  Besides a couple of minor fixes, this includes an updated treatment of parameter references in signature expressions.  There was a separate thread discussing nested function declarators, but at the recent Rapperswil meeting of WG21, an additional issue came up.  Consider:
> 	template<class T> auto f(T const x)->decltype(x);  // #1
> 	template<class T> auto f(T x)->decltype(x);        // #2
> Ordinarily, top-level cv-qualifiers are ignored when forming the function type.  E.g., "int(*)(T)" and "int(*)(T const)" are the same type.  However, in expression contexts we cannot ignore the cv-qualifiers because the expression must mean the same there as it would if it appeared in the function definition (where cv-qualifiers matter).
> So #1 and #2 above must be distinct templates.  Rather than encoding the cv-qualifier on the parameter type of the template signature (which would presumably be a serious break of backward compatibility), we're proposing to encode it in the reference in expression contexts (except for known non-class types in rvalue contexts, where the cv-qualifier is meaningless).  E.g., rather than encoding "decltype(x)" in #1 as "Dtfp_E" (as we'd do for #2) we use "DtfpK_E".
> As usual, feedback is welcome.
> Thanks,
> 	Daveed
> <SFINAE_diffs-3>