[mips-gnu-discuss] mips-sde-elf-run problem
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[mips-gnu-discuss] mips-sde-elf-run problem

I'm wondering how I can use that tool.
I've tried basic "hello, world" with no success. Here are my steps
# Compile
>mips-sde-elf-gcc hello.c -o hello.elf -EL -mips32r2 -T mipssim-hosted.ld
# Try to run
>mips-sde-elf-run.exe -v --architecture mips:isa32r2 -E little hello.elf
mips-sde-elf-run.exe hello.elf
Simulator Execution Speed

  Total execution time   : 4.00 seconds
  Simulator speed:         0 insns/second
program stopped with signal 2.

simulator hangs till Ctrl+C.
With trace enabled I can see execution of some code, but expected "hello" is not shown, program is ended with endless loop, so the only way is ^C to stop it.
Can anyone help me to run it correctly?

Best regards,