Re: [arm-gnu]linker error section .got
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Re: [arm-gnu]linker error section .got

On Wed, 14 Jan 2009 23:32:09 +0100, Daniel Jacobowitz <dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 11:00:06PM +0100, Robert Brusa wrote:
when compiling and linking my at91sam7x-application, I get the error

linux-gnueabi/bin/ld: error: no memory region specified for loadable
section `.got'

The toolchain I used before did not produce a .got-section. I could find
nowhere information where this section should go, how much space it should
get and where (ram or rom?). Does somebody know the answers to these

Are you really building a Linux application?  It sounds like you
aren't; you should use the arm-none-eabi tools instead in that case.

I see, I got it wrong. Now I downloaded and installed the arm-none-eabi toolchain (file:arm-2008q3-66-arm-none-eabi.bin) and installed it. Here are the results:

-running configtool for eCOS (configuration for an AT91SAM7X256-based board): starting it up, clear, then editing the prefix and removing the -m option (arm4v is default) and building the eCOS. All ok

-Building my application that uses the above built eCOS library:
Compilation ok, but the linker finds hitherto unseen errors:

arm-none-eabi-gcc -nostartfiles -L/home/rwb/icfg3/ecos_install/lib -Ttarget.ld -Wl,-u,atexit -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-static -g -nostdlib -Xlinker -Map -Xlinker -o"ifw" ./Alignment.o ./EEProm.o ./Log.o ./RPC.o ./heizer.o ./ictrl.o ./ihw.o ./link.o ./motoren.o ./myastro.o ./novas1.o ./novascon.o ./rtc.o ./solsys3.o ./sun.o ./trackdefs.o ./util.o /home/rwb/icfg3/ecos_install/lib/libtarget.a(kernel_thread.o): In function `_GLOBAL__I.15000__ZN18Cyg_HardwareThread12thread_entryEP10Cyg_Thread': /home/rwb/ecos/packages/kernel/current/src/common/thread.cxx:1283: undefined reference to `__dso_handle' /home/rwb/icfg3/ecos_install/lib/libtarget.a(kernel_intr.o): In function `_GLOBAL__I.12000__ZN13Cyg_Interrupt15disable_counterE': /home/rwb/ecos/packages/kernel/current/src/intr/intr.cxx:790: undefined reference to `__dso_handle' /home/rwb/icfg3/ecos_install/lib/libtarget.a(kernel_sched.o): In function `_GLOBAL__I.11000_cyg_scheduler_sched_lock': /home/rwb/ecos/packages/kernel/current/src/sched/sched.cxx:755: undefined reference to `__dso_handle' /home/rwb/icfg3/ecos_install/lib/libtarget.a(services_memalloc_common_heaps.o): In function `_GLOBAL__I.46900_cygmem_pool_heap1': /home/rwb/icfg3/ecos_build/services/memalloc/common/current/heaps.cxx:26: undefined reference to `__dso_handle' /home/rwb/icfg3/ecos_install/lib/libtarget.a(language_c_libc_startup_mainthread.o): In function `_GLOBAL__I.52000_cyg_libc_main_thread': /home/rwb/ecos/packages/language/c/libc/startup/current/src/mainthread.cxx:131: undefined reference to `__dso_handle' /home/rwb/icfg3/ecos_install/lib/libtarget.a(kernel_clock.o):/home/rwb/ecos/packages/kernel/current/src/common/clock.cxx:941: more undefined references to `__dso_handle' follow /home/rwb/CodeSourcery/Sourcery_G++_Lite/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/4.3.2/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/libsupc++.a(atexit_arm.o): In function `__aeabi_atexit': undefined reference to `__cxa_atexit'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [ifw] Fehler 1

It seems I am still on the wrong track with this toolchain - or did anybody succeed in building an eCOS-based app using these tools?
Thanks for help and regards - Robert