Re: [arm-gnu] Problem installing 2009q1 ARM Toolchain
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Re: [arm-gnu] Problem installing 2009q1 ARM Toolchain

Corrin Meyer wrote:

> 1. I am running Ubuntu 64-bit.  Are the packages available for download
> compatible with/capable of running on 64-bit Linux or will they only run
> on a 32-bit OS?

All of our packages are 32-bit.  They will, however, run just fine on a
64-bit OS, provided that you have installed the 32-bit run-time
libraries for the OS.

I'm not sure what would be causing the hangs that you're seeing.
However, it's possible that hard links are not working in your virtual
environment for some reason; the ARM Linux toolchain creates a number of
hard links during the installation.

Mark Mitchell
(650) 331-3385 x713