[arm-gnu] Problem installing 2009q1 ARM Toolchain
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[arm-gnu] Problem installing 2009q1 ARM Toolchain

I have been trying to install the 2009q1 release of the ARM toolchain for
Linux on Ubuntu
I am currently running Ubuntu 9.04 hosted using VirtualBox running on
Windows Vista 64.

1. I am running Ubuntu 64-bit.  Are the packages available for download
compatible with/capable of running on 64-bit Linux or will they only run on
a 32-bit OS?

2. When running the *.bin Linux installer, it pops up the initial window
with the progress bar indicating that the installer is loading.  The window
then disappears and then nothing else ever pops up (nothing else is printed
to stdout either that I can see).  I end up having to do a Ctrl-C and exit
the installer.

3. Since #2 above didn't work, I tried running the installer in console mode
"-i console".  I go through the setup process and it then gets to the
installation process.  The progress indicator gets all the way to the end
and then hangs for about 30 seconds to 1 minute and then errors out.  I get
a "Unable to create file links" error and an "Internal error" indicator (-1)
and then says to remove what was installed.  I have tried several times and
always get this problem.

4. Since #3 failed above, I then downloaded the tar archive (non-source) and
simply extracted it to a folder.  I then try to run the installed cross gcc
"arm-none-eabi-gcc" just passing in "--version" to make sure that it works.
 Bash keeps returning an error "Unable to find file or directory".  Doing
'ls' shows that the file is indeed there and that it is flagged as an
executable.  My PATH is set correctly so I am not sure why Bash is not
finding it.

I understand that not many people may be trying the toolchain out in a
virtualized environment so that very well may be my root problem.
