[arm-gnu] Low level debugging
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[arm-gnu] Low level debugging


I'm trying to debug a low level application (the sand bootloader in "ARM
System Developer's Guide) without a guest OS.

I assemble the code and load it into qemu, but I can't debug it. When I make
gdb go step by step, I can see the instructions, but registers don't change.

Assembler version

arm-none-eabi-as -g sandgnu.s

arm-none-objcopy -O binary a.out a.bin

Then I run qemu
qemu-system-arm -k es -serial stdio -m 256 -M integratorcp -kernel ./a.bin

And then, I connect to qemu via gdb. It seems to work, but instructions
don't change register values, so my program can't do anything.

What I'm doing wrong? Am I missing some step in the process?