Re: [arm-gnu] Huge Code Size CodeSourcery G++ Lite
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Re: [arm-gnu] Huge Code Size CodeSourcery G++ Lite

On 01/07/2011 03:42, Senel Murat (CR/RTC4.1-NA) wrote:
Recently, I tried building a project on Cortex-M3 using the CodeSourcery
G++ Lite. However, the size of the binary becomes huge.
As a comparison to a commercial toolchain, here is the difference of the
.bin for a simple "blink" application:
Commercial IDE: 4.6KB
Eclipse IDE with CodeSourcery G++ Lite: 14.3KB
Any ideas? Is this normal, or are we making some stupid mistakes?

Without more information, it's only possible to make vague guesses. My guess here is that you are using C++, with exceptions and RTTI enabled, and have ended up linking in substantial parts of the library to deal with unhandled exceptions, etc. If that's the case, have a look at the recent "Tons of seemly extraneous code linked in c++ program" thread in this list.

Alternative likely causes are using printf or related functions, and ending up with a lot of the maths library.

Have a look at a detailed map file to see what's being included, and why.

Note that if these library functions are actually useful somewhere in your real program, then they will be linked in anyway. It's a on-off code cost - the extra 10K library space will use 10K whether your program is 4K or 400K, and the same (roughly) applies to other toolchains. Code size comparisons are only really relevant if you look at an entire real-world program, or if you consider just the size of the object file for a particular code file you are interested in.