Re: [c++-pthreads] Re: thread-safety definition
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Re: [c++-pthreads] Re: thread-safety definition

Dave Butenhof wrote:

But I think I also understand what you mean; and the problem isn't with the model, but rather with the effect of that model on existing code that all-too-casually and agressively eats exceptions it doesn't understand. I think there are vanishingly few circumstances where a blind catch(...) without an unconditional re-throw should be considered "legitimate". If you don't completely understand what an exception means, you cannot claim to have completely recovered, and therefore cannot reasonably finalize propagation. (And when you catch anonymously, you can't possibly understand what they mean since you can't even identify them.)

Let me try again.

Doing a blind catch(...) without an unconditional rethrow is not always a matter of sloppiness. Sometimes, the only alternative is a crash - the C++ standard clearly says that a second exception escaping from a destructor invoked by the stack unwinding machinery will result in program termination. There is nothing the poor programmer can do about this.

To reiterate: a few days ago, I posted the following example -


Now what do you suggest I should do when an exception (say, a networking error, but it might just as well be a cancellation request) is thrown from somewhere within remote_resource->release()? The way I see it, either the original exception or the one that was just thrown at me will have to be finalized.

- Wil