[coldfire-gnu-discuss] --oformat problems
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[coldfire-gnu-discuss] --oformat problems

I'm trying to get compilation and linking working with our internal build system which uses many batch files etc for this process. I have managed to get a compilation to work but have a problem when linking. The code is built on a windows platform.

The batch files use the following:-
                m68k-elf-ld  --oformat srec -o myfile.lx1 -Map myfile.mp1 -cref -T myfile.lk1

                Which gives many "undefined reference to `_myfunc'" problems.

If I use
                m68k-elf-ld  -o myfile.lx1 -Map myfile.mp1 -cref -T myfile.lk1

                I get "undefined reference to `_memcpy'" and other gcc library functions.

                Does anyone know why changing the output format would do this?

Thanx Doug