Re: [cxx-abi-dev] vtables by different compilers
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Re: [cxx-abi-dev] vtables by different compilers

--On Friday, July 26, 2002 04:33:00 PM -0700 Jessica Han <jessica@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I am working on the interoperability issues on IA64 HPUX between g++ and
I noticed that g++ put vtables into different sections with names like
gnu.linkonce.d.VTABLENAME, but aCC puts all the vtables into .data

Yes; this is because the GNU linker does not support COMDAT.

We don't *think* this should could problems -- but we don't know that for

The two ways to make the compilers match are to a) have GCC emit things
in COMDAT, or b) have aCC generate them in the linkonce sections, and
then add support for that to the HP linker.

But, if we can avoid that, it would be better.  If the aCC symbols are
weak, I would think things would work OK.

Mark Mitchell                   mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CodeSourcery, LLC