Re: [cxx-abi-dev] A mangling for std::nullptr_t
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Re: [cxx-abi-dev] A mangling for std::nullptr_t

On 03/04/2010 10:06 PM, Dennis Handly wrote:
From: Jason Merrill<jason@xxxxxxxxxx>
I meant it matches except for the _ZTI prefix:
_ZTIl == type info of long

How is "l" == "__fundamental_type_info"?

_ZTIl (for long) is an object whose type is __fundamental_type_info.

Yes. I still don't see the distinction between that and

_ZTIDn (for std::nullptr_t) is an object whose type is __nullptr_type_info.

I understand your argument that we don't need a new type, I was just confused by the talk about a mismatch between the type and the mangled name.
