Re: [cxx-abi-dev] A mangling for std::nullptr_t
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Re: [cxx-abi-dev] A mangling for std::nullptr_t

>From: Jason Merrill <jason@xxxxxxxxxx>
>On 03/04/2010 10:06 PM, Dennis Handly wrote:
>>> From: Jason Merrill<jason@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>> How is "l" == "__fundamental_type_info"?
>> _ZTIl (for long) is an object whose type is __fundamental_type_info.

>I still don't see the distinction between that and _ZTIDn
> (for std::nullptr_t) is an object whose type is __nullptr_type_info.

Probably because we used that typeid(void) comparison trick for (...)
so it was more obvious that we could do the same trick, rather than
use virtual dispatch to identify the special case.

>I understand your argument that we don't need a new type, I was just 
>confused by the talk about a mismatch between the type and the mangled name.

That's the main point, we don't need a new derived type_info type.