Re: [arm-gnu] Which release is which version?
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Re: [arm-gnu] Which release is which version?

Hello?  No one has an answer for this one?

Maybe if each of you using a particular release could document what gcc version is in the release you use, we could compile it up ourselves with less work than one of us going through them all.

(I just thought someone would have release notes somewhere for each release that would already have the gcc version documented.)


On 3/28/08 Alan Dayley wrote:
I'd like to use the Code Sourcery ARM GNU Tool chain on my project. However, I need to use the gcc 3.3 tool set. I cannot tell from the Code Sourcery release IDs which package has the gcc 3.3 tool set.

The older releases download page,, lists the various older releases by Code Sourcery release IDs. I care about version 3.3 but it would be good to document them all. Which one(s) in the list provide which versions of gcc?

    * 2007q3
    * 2007q1-21
    * 2007q1-10
    * 2006q3-27
    * 2006q3-26
    * 2006q1-6
    * 2006q1-3
    * 2005q3-2
    * 2005q3-1
    * 2005Q1C
    * 2005Q1B
    * 2004-q3d
    * 2004-q1a
    * 2003-q4


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