[arm-gnu] Using ARM Neon Intrinsics to load a constant
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[arm-gnu] Using ARM Neon Intrinsics to load a constant

I want to set the all of the elements of a quad word vector to a legal floating point constant (usually 0.0).
Using the intrinsics, it seems that I need to code...

float32x4_t vec4;


vec4 = vdupq_n_f32 (0.0);

When I do that the 2009q3  compiler generates:

mov r7,#0

vdupq.32 qx,r7

The above uses an unnecessary Arm core register. How do I get the compiler to generate:

vmov.32 qx,#0

I wasn't sure that I had was using the intrinsics call properly, so I posed the question to the ARM software support engineers. They confirmed my understanding. This was their response...
RVCT 4.0 build 650 generates the code you expect. When I compile this

float32x4_t Foo(void)
    float32x4_t vec4 = vdupq_n_f32(0.0);
    return vec4;

It generates:
        0x00000000:    f2800050    P...    VMOV.I32 q0,#0
        0x00000004:    e12fff1e    ../.    BX       lr
What do I code to have the Code Sourcery compiler to generate similar code?
