Re: [arm-gnu] Re: [Gnash-dev] glibc and bionic at same time
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Re: [arm-gnu] Re: [Gnash-dev] glibc and bionic at same time

On 05/18/2010 12:29 AM, raju goruganti wrote:

> yes, we want run android application from our main application .

  Unless you want to access the phone full functionality of Android, you don't
need bionic. So if I have this right, you do want to be able to do this, but
also using glibc ? It may be that using glibc (or newlib) works just fine for
your application. It would help if we knew what type of application you are
trying to port.

> To do this we want to remove the common functionalities ,that are there in
> both glibc and binic libc,from bionic and we want to make new libc in place
> of bionic libc.Is this approach correct?

  Before doing such a thing I'd make sure you really need glibc. I've cross
compiled many applications (
using newlib and bionic that usually were built with glibc. Is there any
special functionality you use in glibc that doesn't exist in the the other C
libraries ? If so, it would be easier to just add those functions from another
source to your application. Hacking on glibc is a complex mess.

> one more doubt is there any kernel dependency in bionic libc,I mean the
> application that is build using bionic libc would work on normal kernel

  I haven't tried running bionic on anything but Android, but it should be
possible to use it on any kernel, although may require a few hacks. Newlib is
very similar, and runs on most anything.

	- rob -