Re: [cxx-abi-dev] Mangling sizeof
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Re: [cxx-abi-dev] Mangling sizeof

Jason Merrill wrote:
So, how about a mangling like that for template parms, but starting with "fp" rather than "T"?


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*************** the first of which is lowercase.
*** 3972,3984 ****
  		  ::= qu	# ?             
  		  ::= st	# sizeof (a type)
  		  ::= sz	# sizeof (an expression)
  		  ::= cv <type>	# (cast)        
  		  ::= v <digit> <source-name>	# vendor extended operator
! <a name="mangling-operator">Vendors who define builtin extended operators (e.g. __alignof)
  shall encode them as a 'v' prefix followed by
  the operand count as a single decimal digit, and
  the name in &lt;length,ID&gt; form.
--- 3972,3986 ----
  		  ::= qu	# ?             
  		  ::= st	# sizeof (a type)
  		  ::= sz	# sizeof (an expression)
+                   ::= at        # alignof (a type)
+                   ::= az        # alignof (an expression)
  		  ::= cv &lt;type&gt;	# (cast)        
  		  ::= v &lt;digit&gt; &lt;source-name&gt;	# vendor extended operator
! <a name="mangling-operator">Vendors who define builtin extended operators (e.g. __imag)
  shall encode them as a 'v' prefix followed by
  the operand count as a single decimal digit, and
  the name in &lt;length,ID&gt; form.
*************** that is the actual parameter.
*** 4364,4369 ****
--- 4366,4379 ----
+ Function parameters referenced in a late-specified return type are handled similarly:
+ </p><pre><code><font color="blue">
+   &lt;function-param&gt; ::= fp_	# first function parameter
+ 		   ::= fp &lt;<i>parameter-2 non-negative</i> number&gt; _
+ </font></code></pre>
+ <p>
  Template argument lists appear after the unqualified template name,
  and are bracketed by I/E.  This is used in names for specializations
  in particular, but also in types and scope identification.  Template
*************** from other arguments.
*** 4382,4391 ****
  	       ::= &lt;<i>binary</i> operator-name&gt; &lt;expression&gt; &lt;expression&gt;
  	       ::= &lt;<i>trinary</i> operator-name&gt; &lt;expression&gt; &lt;expression&gt; &lt;expression&gt;
                 ::= cl &lt;expression&gt;* E	        # call
!                ::= st &lt;type&gt;		        # sizeof
! 	       ::= sT &lt;type&gt;		        # lvalue of specified type
! 	       ::= sR &lt;type&gt;		        # rvalue of specified type
                 ::= &lt;template-param&gt;
                 ::= sr &lt;type&gt; &lt;unqualified-name&gt;                   # dependent name
                 ::= sr &lt;type&gt; &lt;unqualified-name&gt; &lt;template-args&gt;   # dependent template-id
                 ::= sZ &lt;template-param&gt;                            # size of a parameter pack
--- 4392,4403 ----
  	       ::= &lt;<i>binary</i> operator-name&gt; &lt;expression&gt; &lt;expression&gt;
  	       ::= &lt;<i>trinary</i> operator-name&gt; &lt;expression&gt; &lt;expression&gt; &lt;expression&gt;
                 ::= cl &lt;expression&gt;* E	        # call
!                ::= cv &lt;type&gt; expression           # conversion with one argument
!                ::= cv &lt;type&gt; _ &lt;expression&gt;* E # conversion with a different number of arguments
!                ::= st &lt;type&gt;		        # sizeof (a type)
!                ::= at &lt;type&gt;                      # alignof (a type)
                 ::= &lt;template-param&gt;
+                ::= &lt;function-param&gt;
                 ::= sr &lt;type&gt; &lt;unqualified-name&gt;                   # dependent name
                 ::= sr &lt;type&gt; &lt;unqualified-name&gt; &lt;template-args&gt;   # dependent template-id
                 ::= sZ &lt;template-param&gt;                            # size of a parameter pack
*************** are available, the mangling chosen is th
*** 4469,4522 ****
- <p>
- The <code>sT</code> and <code>sR</code> forms are used within the
- C++0x <code>decltype</code> forms <code>DT</code> and <code>Dt</code>.
- Within these contexts, the value of the expression doesn't matter, only the
- type, so we just mangle the type of the expression directly as an
- expression stub in some cases.  This is done for all non-type-dependent
- expressions, and the following forms of type-dependent expressions, for
- which the type can always be described other than in terms of the
- expression even if it is dependent, and therefore is said to
- have <i>describable type</i>:
- </p>
- <ul>
-   <li>An expression that names a variable, function, function parameter,
-   enumerator, data member or template non-type parameter from an enclosing
-   function or the current instantiation.</li>
-   <li>A cast (C-style, functional or *_cast).</li>
-   <li>A literal.</li>
-   <li>A new-expression.</li>
-   <li>A unary <code>*</code> expression where the operand has describable type.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>A variable or new-expression which uses the
- <code>auto</code> type specifier has describable type if and only if its
- initializer is an expression with describable type.
- </p>
- <p>
- If the expression is an lvalue, the <code>sT</code> mangling is used;
- otherwise the <code>sR</code> mangling.  If the immediate operand
- of <code>decltype</code> has describable type, the type is mangled directly,
- omitting the decltype and expression type stub manglings.
- </p>
- <p>
-  <img src="abi_files/warning.gif" alt="&lt;b&gt;Rationale&lt;/b&gt;:">
-  <i>
-  Note that this convention means that
-  </i></p><pre><i>   template &lt;class T&gt; decltype (*(T*)0 + *(T*)0) f(T t);
-  </i></pre>
- <i> and
-  </i><pre><i>   template &lt;class T&gt; auto f(T t) -&gt; decltype (t + t);
-  </i></pre>
- <i> have the same mangling, so library maintainers can switch to or from using
-  a late-specified return type without affecting the library ABI.
-  </i>
  <a name="mangling-scope">
  </a><h4><a name="mangling-scope"> 5.1.6 Scope Encoding </a></h4>
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*************** unwind table location.
*** 5005,5010 ****
--- 4969,4978 ----
  significance should be attached to the form of the revision number; it
  is simply a identifying number.</a></p>
+ <p><a name="revisions"><font color="blue">[090312]</font>
+ Remove type stub expressions. Add mangling for alignof, function parameters,
+ and a different mangling for N-argument function casts.</a></p>
  <p><a name="revisions"><font color="blue">[090102]</font>
  Remove mangling for N-argument functional casts.</a></p>