[arm-gnu] Re: [Gnash-dev] glibc and bionic at same time
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[arm-gnu] Re: [Gnash-dev] glibc and bionic at same time

On 06/01/10 02:28, raju goruganti wrote:

> Yes, want to hack bionic libc.

> Is it possible  to build binic libc(libc.so) as normal shared library,so
> that I  can use it with the application, that build with other(arm)  tool
> chain (for example codesorcery arm tool chain)??

  You can mix applications using either C library, you just can't use
both in the same application as you'll get errors. You can also use the
Code Sourcery tools with bionic, you just have to modify the path to the
headers when compiling, and link with the correct C library. I only
build my own toolchains so all the options I need are the default cause
I'm lazy, and just want to cross compile Gnash.

  If you are trying to switch from the ARM toolchain to GCC (Code
Sourcery), I'd just try cross-compiling, as it might work better than
you realize. Is their specific functionality in glibc that you need that
you are sure isn't in newlib or bionic ?

	- rob -